fren +216 24 160 600 8 Ave El-Bousten, Sfax 3002

Security at TUBOSER

“To use our reason, we need security and tranquility.”

Our OH&S management system aligns with the requirements of OHSAS 18001 and it’s based on ISO 45001, 2018.

The main objective of this system is to prevent work accidents and the misfortunes that these events can cause to workers, their families and the company.

At TUBOSER, the Safety is one of our core commitments to our clients – the safety of our employees, your employees and our partners. We take a proactive approach to safety, and always have safety plans in place before a job starts.

Our technicians and inspectors receive comprehensive safety training and we follow OSHA guidelines as well as Hazmat PPE standards.

a- Identify the dangers and assess our risks

Risk management is an integral part of TUBOSER’s business management and internal control framework. The objective is to enable the achievement of strategic objectives and targets in a controlled manner.

Risks which cannot be prevented or mitigated at all or only with unreasonable effort, or risks over which TUBOSER cannot influence, are excluded from our risk management.

We identify the dangers; we analyze the risks of each job and try to fight the mat the source. We also seek to develop these positions and make the choice of equipment and methods to be applied.

We want to educate employees through training courses planned and we remind them every day of the hazards and risks of the job.

b- Prepare for emergencies

“The urgency of the situation dictates the urgency of action.”

An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to a person’s health, safety, property or the environment. If you know how to assess the defining signs of an emergency, you can easily deal with it. Also, if you are well prepared for an emergency, it will pay off when dealing with any emergency.

At TUBOSER, We are aware that we must define all the emergencies that we may encounter and plan how to intervene and react in the event of an accident.

c- Involvement of our staff

“OSH is not just the business of bosses”

People are the key to an effective quality management system. The full and energetic participation of the staff is an asset to be sought; otherwise quality management is doomed to failure.

At TUBOSER, we ensure an open door policy “and we attach great importance to allocating the necessary time for communication, consultation of our staff.

This increases knowledge and makes compliance more likely and Contribute to continuous improvement.